Crit-Line Technology Resources

Crit-Line Technology Brochure

A comprehensive brochure detailing Crit-Line Technology. This brochure includes a review of the fluid challenges in the population, Crit-Line profiles with interpretations, and the impact of dialysis on oxygen saturation in ESKD patients.


Crit-Line FAQs

The booklet contains answers to the frequently asked questions about fluid management and Crit-Line technology.


Crit-Line Training Program Marketing Brochure

Comprehensive brochure detailing the Crit-Line training program. This brochure highlights the different phases of training and elements of clinic readiness with customer testimonials.


Request a Demonstration

Studies have shown that BP and clinical/physical assessment alone are not sufficient to identify fluid overload.1,2,3,4,5 See if Crit-Line could support your program.


Access content and training resources to complement your fluid management program.

Crit-Line Speaker Program Webinar Series

Learn more and register here.